One of the most important yet time-consuming aspects of the solar installation process is getting an accurate model of the roof. When designing a solar system, accuracy is extremely important because design changes can be costly and time-consuming. However, as the solar industry becomes more competitive, speed is also essential to maximize the chance of winning a potential customer’s business.

Save Time and Money on Your Projects
Thanks to Aurora’s technology, accuracy and speed with solar designs don’t have to be a trade-off. What used to require multiple truck rolls, site visits, and hours of a solar installer’s time to accomplish can now be done in a few minutes without even a site visit. Customers today use Aurora to remotely model and design accurate, installable solar systems, saving time and money in a field where both are of the essence.
Generate 3D Roof Models in 30 Seconds
Moreover, Aurora AI is a new product that enables solar businesses to move even faster by automating the site modeling work with the power of AI. Bypassing manual modeling and design from start to finish, Aurora AI leverages proprietary computer vision and machine learning algorithms to generate 3D roof models within 30 seconds, including obstructions. Aurora AI is embedded in Design Mode, Sales Mode and Lead Capture AI on the Aurora platform, allowing for greater efficiency designing projects and delivering proposals.